Improve Factory Training

Deliver Training and Track Skills Without Breaking a Sweat
Improve Training Hero Placeholder

Real Customers. Real Results.


Reduction in Training Costs


Reduction in Knowledge Gaps

Tetra Pak

Faster to Create Training Content

Barry Callebaut

1. Role-specific & Factory-wide Skills

Create best-in-class training content by leveraging the expertise of your most experienced workers

Create skills v3

2. Automatically Assign Skills to Workers

Team members are assigned skills automatically based on their role and workstation. Mandatory revisions and targeted competency levels can also be defined.

Role specific and factorywide skills

3. On-demand, Autonomous Learning

Video micro-lessons improve comprehension and retention. This gives workers the ability to learn as the opportunity or need arises.

Workinstructions en copy
Qr code access

Without Poka, I never would have been able to learn new skills and get promoted less than two years after being hired.


Christopher Denis

Team Lead


4. Check Workers Understanding

Exams built into skills training are automatically scored, with every attempt tracked. Trainer assessments and endorsements provide better assurance of worker competencies.

Exams 100

5. Identify Skills Gaps & Training Priorities

Leaders can track team competencies using the skills matrix, monitor training completion, and ensure maximum skills versatility and coverage.

Skills matrix

6. Easily Demonstrate Training Compliance

Poka helps you breeze through training audits. Easily demonstrate past training delivery with timestamps, viewing reports, content version control and more.

Training Completion

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