Skills Management

Accelerate skills development and reduce training time and cost

Maximize skills versatility and coverage

Poka's skills matrix and management capabilities give workers and team leads the power to oversee and stay current with role-specific and factory training. You can spend less time updating spreadsheets, and focus more on identifying training priorities and workforce development opportunities.


Individual & Team Skills Matrix

Track training completion with an at-a-glance view of skills coverage and statuses
SKILLS MATRIX MANAGEMENT Individual and team matrix

Revisions & Target Management

Set individual and global targets based on desired competency levels
See Poka in Action

Schedule a 30-minute online demo


Verify trainee understanding with exams that automatically score responses


Validate worker competency with trainer assessments and management endorsements

Custom Training Programs

Create and automatically assign training programs based on job location and job role

Integration with your LMS

Automatically update the status of workers skills in your corporate LMS through Poka’s API

How Poka Skills Can Help your Factory

Lower training costs by reducing shadowing and overtime hours

Onboard new employees quicker speeding time to productivity

Fuel worker development, increase engagement & drive retention

Improve safety, quality & Overall Equipment Effectivements (OEE)

Gain real-time visibility into training completion and skills gaps

Top Factory Skills & Training Use Cases

Use Cases Skills Management Workplace Overview

Workplace overview & basic operations for new hires

Use Cases Skills Management Safety Quality Certifications Forklift

Safety & Quality certifications

Forklift, Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO), GMP
Use Cases Skills Management Autonomous Preventative Maintenance

Preventative and autonomous maintenance

Use Cases Skills Management Startup Shutdown Changeover Training

Start-up, set-up, shut down and changeover training

Don't take our word for it

Poka User Community Stories

L'Oréal Gains a 9% Higher OEE With New Hires Trained Using Poka

"With Poka, we are able to track KPIs by category and by department, and with this information, we can adapt the learning strategy for the program moving forward."

Ready to get started?